University elections in winter semester 2024/2025
The university's students elect their representatives in the student and academic self-government once a year

General information
Once a year, usually in the winter semester, elections for the student parliament and the student councils as well as the elections for student representatives in the department council and senate take place.
Every year, numerous students are sought who would like to represent the interests of their fellow students either within the department, but also across the board in the student parliament or the senate.
What is there for it? Experiences, fun and recognition, networks and interesting insights into the university structure. What it costs? Sometimes it takes a little time and tough negotiations before changes and improvements can be implemented democratically.
But that shouldn't stop you: Take heart - it's about your future studies!
Save the Dates
- from Monday, January 27th, 2025 (9 a.m.) to Monday, February 10th, 2025 (12 p.m.) - holding the university elections
- by Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - announcement of the election results
- Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 (11:59 p.m.) - Expiry of the deadline for election challenges
All deadlines must be strictly adhered to!
The functionality for the online electoral platform is intuitive, but it is well explained again well with technical and safety instructions on the electoral page of the H_DA.
And here it goes until Monday, 02/10/2025, 12 a.m., to the election platform:
Vorstellung der Bewerbungen für die Gremien
An dieser Stelle möchten wir allen Bewerber*innen die Gelegenheit geben, sich kurz vorzustellen.
Allen Bewerber*innen wurden die gleichen Fragen gestellt.
- Warum der Fachschaftsrat/ Fachbereichsrat/ Senat?
- Hast Du schon Gremienerfahrung - hier oder anderswo?
- Welche eine Sache würdest Du sofort ändern, um das Studium an unserer Hochschule für alle gerechter zu gestalten?
- Und sonst so?
Sofern es Rückmeldungen gab, findet Ihr sie in dem jeweiligen Fachbereich bzw. Gremium.
Anmerkung 1: Reihenfolge analog der Reihenfolge auf dem Stimmzettel
Anmerkung 2: wird bei weiteren Zusendungen gern ergänzt.