
Our goal is to make menstrual products accessible to everyone. In our opinion, these should be available free of charge in at least one toilet room per university building, just like toilet paper.


Our Motivation

Menstruation is expensive and fraught with shame. Without access to products such as tampons, pads or similar, it is impossible for many students to attend classes or participate in social life. This is a significant disadvantage for about half of all students. In 2019, 87.6% of the 1,160 female students questioned in an AStA survey stated that they needed appropriate hygiene products.

Therefore, the AStA of the h_da demands that menstrual products are provided free of charge by the university.

About the Pilot Project


The project was given the name "TamBi", which is made up of the German terms Tam = Tampons and Bi = Binde (in eng. Pads). The products provided are exclusively organic.

We will collect data and facts on the use of our TamBi vending machines until the end of the summer semester 2023. We will then present these to the Presidential Board in order to be able to offer free menstrual products in the long term.

Where are the TamBi Vending Machines located?

Descriptions of the locations of the vending machines

Locations of the TamBi Vending Machines

  • A10 - Department of Social Sciences: Ladies' toilet on the ground floor (opposite the group study rooms)
  • A12 - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering: Ladies' toilet on the ground floor
  • B10 - Department of Architecture: Ladies' toilet on the ground floor
  • B15 - Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology: Women's toilet on the ground floor
  • C10 - High-rise building: ladies' toilet on the ground floor (opposite Café "Glaskasten")
  • C10 - High-rise building: ladies' toilet on the 6th floor
  • C11 - Mensa: Women's toilet on the ground floor
  • C12 - Department of Mechanical and Plastics Engineering: Women's toilet on the 1st floor
  • C19 - Lecture hall building: ladies' toilet
  • C23 - Schöffers campus restaurant: women's toilet in the basement
  • C23 - Learning Center: Women's toilet on the 4th floor (near the water dispenser)
  • C23 - Student house: All-gender toilet in the basement
  • D10 - Library: Women's toilet on the ground floor
  • D14 - Department of Computer Science: Women's toilet on the ground floor
  • D14 - Department of Computer Science: Women's toilet on the second floor
  • D15 - Department of Computer Science: Women's toilet on the ground floor
  • D19 - All-gender toilet on the 4th floor
  • E10 - Department of Social Work: Women's toilet on the 1st floor (above the library)
  • E31 - Department of Design: Women's toilet in the basement
  • F15 - Campus Dieburg: Women's toilet on the ground floor (opposite Café "Zeitraum")
  • F17 - Campus Dieburg: Women's toilet on the ground floor

If you have further location suggestions, please send them to us by email. We then check the purchase and implementation.

Do you have feedback on the TamBi Project?

You are welcome to send us your feedback by e-mail to feedback@asta-hda.de!