AStA of the h_da

Is it called "der, die or das AStA"? The abbreviation stands for "der Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss".


General Information

The AStA is the representation of student interests for all students at the university - vis-à-vis the university management and administrative institutions as well as teachers, but also vis-à-vis the Studierendenwerk (student union) and other organizations that deal with student issues in the broadest sense.

The tasks of the AStA as representation of the student body result from the Hessian Higher Education Act (§ 84 HessHG):

Tasks of the student body:

  1. The student body manages its own affairs. It participates in the self-administration of the university.
  2. The student body has the following tasks:
    1. Representation of the entirety of its members within the scope of its legal powers,
    2. To represent the political interests of its members at the university,
    3. To look after the economic and social interests of the students, insofar as these are not transferred to the Studentenwerk or other institutions,
    4. Fostering of supra-regional and international student relations,
    5. Promoting political education and a sense of civic responsibility among students,
    6. Support of cultural and musical interests of students,
    7. Promotion of voluntary student sports, insofar as the university is not responsible for this.

AStA Meetings and Information for Applicants

During lecture hours: The public meetings of the AStA take place weekly on Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. - however, if a StuPa meeting is scheduled once a month, the AStA meeting is cancelled. When and where exactly the individual dates are can be found in the calendar.

During the semester break the AStA meetings take place irregularly! It is best to inquire briefly beforehand.

Guests are always welcome!

Note for external applicants (i.e. non-AStA): (Financial) applications for an AStA meeting must be sent by e-mail to the AStA office ( by 12 noon the day before the AStA meeting. In exceptional cases (e.g. due to urgency) an exception to the rule can be decided at the AStA meeting. Applications will only be processed at the meeting if the applicant is present.

Department Campus Dieburg

Head: Cinderella Weirauch, N.N.

Core Tasks:

  • Communication and representation of Dieburg concerns in AStA.
  • Contact person in Dieburg for students on campus
  • Implementation of own projects to improve the campus quality
  • Cooperation with the management of Café Zeitraums to improve the situation of the café


Digital & Technology Department

Head: Sebastian Schlegel

Core Tasks:

  • Design of the digital h_da (with focus on data protection and open source projects)
  • Promote media literacy
  • Improve digital infrastructures for digital teaching, draw conclusions from the experiences of the online semesters
  • Promote and conduct events, pass on information on relevant events, literature and information sources on topics such as data protection, media literacy
  • Ensure organization of software training for comprehensive use of software by AStA and StuPa
  • On-site support and maintenance of AStA technology.


Department of Finance

Head: Aron Fingerhut

Core Tasks:

  • Development of a budget for the student body at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
  • Transparent presentation of finances to the AStA, StuPa and the student councils
  • Close cooperation with other AStA departments, the financial representatives of the student councils and the audit committee
  • Support and advice for potential applicants .


Useful links:

Department University Policy Internal

Head: N.N.

Core Tasks:

  • Support of student employees/student assistants to improve working conditions (e.g. TV Stud)
  • Development of ideas to increase student participation in the bodies of student self-administration
  • Work towards more transparency from university bodies for students (administration, committees, etc.)
  • Cooperation with the student councils, the departmental councils, the senate as well as coordination of the student council conference and active participation in the meetings
  • Work in close coordination with the department of university politics externally - Participation as a representative of the AStA in the senate as an advisory voice
  • Working towards a civil clause at the h_da

Gender & Feminism Department

Head: Livia Tice, YuChen

Core Tasks:

  • Develop policies to reduce and prevent discrimination of all kinds against people, especially LGBTQIA+ (lesbian gay bi trans queer intersex asexual +) and FLINTA (women, lesbian, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender persons).
  • Create awareness of the problem through education and information
  • create equal opportunities through social-structural changes
  • first point of contact for LGBTQIA+ for information and referral to organizations, counseling services, queer groups (e.g. cooperation with Vielbunt e.V.)
  • regular office hours
  • Offers for and representation of LGBTQIA+ and FLINTA*(e.g. continuation and expansion of the TamBi project, other events)


Department EUt+

Heads: Elias Wenz, N.N.

This unit must consist of at least two persons (double staffing, preferably gender parity), because the statutes of the EUt+ Student Board stipulate that there must be at least 2 student representatives per Alliance member.

Core tasks:

  • Obligatory active participation in the EUt+ Student Board (student body in our alliance)
  • Regular reporting and committed participation in various meetings (Student Board Meeting, Physical Meetings, JourFix, etc.)
  • Nationwide and Europe-wide networking on the topic of European University Initiatives/ European University Alliances



Sustainability & Mobility Department

Head: Aliah Mereu, N.N.

Core Tasks:

  • Negotiation of existing conditions with transport companies/associations (area of validity, price, connection, etc.)
  • Networking and cooperation with regional and supra-regional transport and mobility departments (V-LAK and federal level)
  • Development of new sustainable mobility offers: e.g. car- and bikesharing, cargo bikes, parking space, discounts on usage, etc. NO E-SCOOTERS!
  • Initiate discussion on collaborative funding for connecting tickets from adjacent transit agencies.
  • Efforts to convert parking lots to mobility parking spaces, which include, in particular, bicycles
  • Concept for aesthetic and sustainable incorporation of parking on campus (unsealing and reducing parking spaces)
  • Expansion of Call-A-Bike services at all campuses, especially for the design department and also in Dieburg
  • Advancing the sustainable restructuring of the h_da and the student union
  • Support of projects of the other units on sustainability
  • Cooperation with internal and external initiatives and committees (e.g. Hochdruck jetzt, sti:ne)
  • Green on the facades, solar panels on the roofs, living space for insects and animals


Department fpr Social Policy

Head: Gülnur Demir

Core Tasks:

  • Contact point, mediation and support for students in all socio-political matters and active representation of this interest group.
  • Development of ideas for the improvement of studies for disadvantaged students due to e.g. difficult housing situation or studying with children etc.
  • Organization and implementation of offers, e.g. events on topics related to student financing
  • Cooperation with other institutions and groups
  • close cooperation with possible other socio-political departments or AGs of the AStA


AG Public Relations

Head: Emely Schadt

Core Tasks:

  • Active, regular maintenance of communication channels (social media, AStA newsletter).
  • Coordination of inquiries/opinions
  • Graphic design for the AStA (posters, flyers, graphics, etc.)
  • Organization of useful AStA materials (including calendars)
  • close cooperation with AG Media


AG Events & Infrastructure

Head: Philipp Klemstein

Core tasks:

  • for events from departments and the cafés as well as event inquiries from central organizational units (ZOEs) taking care of the smooth set-up and dismantling as well as coordination
  • Take over the regular maintenance and ordering measures of, for example, technical equipment of the AStA.
  • Coordination with Ref. Digital & Technology about necessary new purchases and maintenance


  • please contact the Digital & Technology Department


Commercial Units of the AStA

In addition to the voting AStA units and the working groups that support the ASA by providing infrastructure or consulting work, there are three commercial units of the AStA:

Structure of the AStA at the h_da

There are different models nationwide of how a student representation can be structured - with or without a board of directors, with or without employed officers, with or without direct election of the student representation.

At the h_da, the AStA is elected by the student parliament and currently consists of equal and voting units as well as non-voting working groups and three commercial units.