Autonomous Tutorial

With the autonomous tutorials we would like to offer you with the opportunity to make topics and content the focus of your educational and learning processes that go beyond the typical subject-specific curriculum of the university.

autonome tutorien

Autonomous tutorials in the winter semester 2024/2025

The autonomous tutorials for the current winter semester start in week 44!

Everyone is warmly invited to visit the h_da AStA offer: introduction to subject areas, taught by students for students and outside of the usual learning canon.

If you have any questions, suggestions or criticism, please contact Aizada by email.

Monday: Poetry and Collage

  • Tutorium: Poetry and Collage
  • Tutor: Jeffrey Weingarten
  • Time: 16.00 - 17.30 Uhr (weekly from 28.10.2024)
  • Room: C10/6.02

Are you looking to improve your English language skills in a creative and engaging way? Join our Poetry and Collage class designed specifically for non-native English speakers! This course is open to all students, regardless of your level of English proficiency. Whether you're new to English or looking to deepen your understanding, this class offers a relaxed, supportive space to boost your language confidence, and welcomes you to write in your native language as well!

What to expect:

  • Learn to express your thoughts and emotions through simple poems, expanding your vocabulary, improving pronunciation, and understanding English's rhythm and flow.
  • Combine images and words to tell stories, practice new vocabulary, and describe your creative pieces in English.
  • Share your work with others, engage in discussions, and give and receive feedback in English.
  • Use both language and visuals to express yourself, making language learning more engaging and interactive.

Who can join:

Open to all students interested in improving their English through creative writing or who just want to have fun in a new creative way!

Monday: Impressive Excel – Real Life Pro Applications

  • Tutorium: Impressive Excel – Real Life Pro Applications
  • Tutor: Lucas Rodrigues Lunardi
  • Time: 18.00 - 19.30 Uhr (weekly from 28.10.2024)
  • Room: BBB Raum, Autonome Tutorien Raum 2 (bbb@scale | Virtual Rooms)

This tutorial will be English taught, focused on practical, real-world applications of Excel, designed to enhance participants' skills and confidence. We will cover various topics, as outlined in the attached documents, with sessions held in person but adaptable to hybrid or fully online formats.

I propose weekly 90-minute sessions, which are ideal for consistent practice with Excel. Participants will access a collection of examples via OneDrive and complete exercises that reinforce class topics. I will also be available after class through email or WhatsApp for any questions.

First thing that I want to do is evaluate the level of Excel that people that were interested in have. Depending on the level, I can easily adapt to go through basic concepts first and then jump ahead of I want to teach. I will evaluate from a quick test on the computer and by asking questions. Classes will be interactive, featuring real-time demonstrations, and require a classroom with a projector. Students should bring a laptop with Excel, or we can utilize h_da’s computer labs.

Tuesday: Game audio implementation and the workflow in the team

  • Tutorium: Gameaudio-Implementierung und der Workflow im Team
  • Tutor: Simon Scholz
  • Time: 9.00 - 12.00 Uhr (Double Lesson from 29.10.2024)
  • Room:

Dieses Tutorium vermittelt die Grundlagen der Gameaudio-Implementierung und den Arbeitsablauf in einem Entwicklerteam. Es richtet sich an Studierende, die sich für interaktives Sounddesign und Spielentwicklung interessieren. Der praxisorientierte Kurs verbindet theoretisches Wissen mit praktischen Übungen, um den Teilnehmerinnen sofort anwendbare Fähigkeiten zu vermitteln. Die Schwerpunkte liegen auf:

  • Sounddesign für Videospiele: Einführung in die Gestaltung von Soundeffekten, Unterschiede zwischen diegetischem und nicht-diegetischem Sound und praktische Übungen an Animationen.
  • Wwise: Einführung in die Audiomiddleware für dynamisches Sounddesign und deren kreative Nutzung.
  • Versionkontrolle: Verständnis der Tools Fork und GitLab für eine effektive Teamarbeit.

Am Ende werden die Teilnehmerinnen in der Lage sein, Audio für interaktive Anwendungen zu erstellen, es in Wwise zu implementieren und Arbeitsabläufe in Teams zu meistern.

Wednesday: Discover your IKIGAI - a multidimensional approach to self-discovery

  • Tutorium: Entdecke dein IKIGAI - ein multidimensionaler Ansatz zur Selbsterkennung
  • Tutor: Anita Stöhr
  • Time: 16.00 - 19.15 Uhr (Double Lesson from 6.11.2024)
  • Room: C10/3.32

Dieses Tutorium richtet sich an Studierende, die in einer reizüberfluteten Welt nach Orientierung und Sinnfindung suchen. Es bietet einen Raum, um abseits von Leistungsdruck und Arbeitsmarktorientierung die eigene Persönlichkeit zu erforschen und zu entwickeln.

Dieses Tutorium heißt alle Studierenden herzlich willkommen, unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, sexuellen Orientierung oder Geschlechtsidentität. Wir streben einen offenen und respektvollen Raum an, in dem jede Person ihre einzigartige Perspektive einbringen und gemeinsam auf eine Reise der Selbstentdeckung gehen darf - ihre individuellen Erkenntnisse aber nicht teilen muss!

Dieses autonome Tutorium bietet einen interaktiven Workshop zur Selbstfindung und Orientierung in einer schnelllebigen, digitalen Welt. In sechs Sitzungen à 180 Minuten erforschen wir gemeinsam das japanische Konzept des Ikigai und erlernen weitere Instrumente zur Selbstreflexion.

Wednesday: How does one do creative writing?

  • Tutorium: How does one do creative writing?
  • Tutor: Zora Lewiz Link
  • Time: 15.00 - 16.30 Uhr (weekly from 30.10.2024)
  • Room: C10/6.04

How does one do creative writing? (Is there such a thing as non-creative writing?)

How does one do short stories, scripts, essays, and poems?

What are act-structure, tension arc, metre, etc.? (Who is Chekov and why does he have a gun?)

How do I give feedback on the works of others without coming off as rude or like their all-approving mother?

How do I accept feedback while battling the monster in me that says they know nothing/I know nothing?

How do I present a text without shaking?  (I’ll let you know when I find out.)

(Why is writing an announcement text so hard?)

These questions (as well as others you may have) will be addressed in this tutorial, concluding in a final reading of the works we develop in class. The goal is mainly to introduce the art to those who are interested in writing but have not had much experience with it or who have not taken a course like this yet, without rattling off extremely dry content in a preaching manner. Of course, advanced students are also welcome, but please be aware that you may already be familiar with a lot of the content.

I myself started out writing poems and short fiction, now I study Motion Pictures at the media campus in Dieburg. For my studies, I mainly write scripts, but I still meddle with all the different forms we’ll discuss in the tutorial.

I’m excited for everyone who’s interested to join and look forward to hearing your ideas and questions!


Wednesday: Actively shaping democracy

  • Tutorium: Demokratie aktiv (mit-) gestalten
  • Tutor: Manuel Flauaus
  • Time: 16.00 - 17.30 Uhr (weekly from 30.10.2024)
  • Room: C10/ 6.02

Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, wie du mit deinen persönlichen Stärken die Demokratie aktiv mitgestalten kannst? In diesem Tutorium lernst du, welche politischen Werkzeuge und Protestformen es gibt, um außerhalb des Parlaments politische Veränderungen zu bewirken. Wir werden gemeinsam erarbeiten, wie erfolgreiche Kampagnen entstanden sind und welche Methoden du selbst nutzen kannst, um Teil einer Bewegung zu werden. Durch praktische Übungen, Reflexionsrunden und den Einsatz interaktiver Formate erhältst du das Wissen, das du brauchst, um in deiner demokratischen Umgebung aktiv zu werden. Das Tutorium steht Studierenden aller Fachrichtungen offen und ist jederzeit zugänglich.

Wednesday: Data Processing & Analysis


  • Hands-on, simple... 🙂
  • Learn programming with MATLAB from scratch
  • No prerequisite ;)
  • Industry-relevant skill!
  • Interdisciplinary

Thursday: Build Your Own Personal Website: A Hands-On Guide with WordPress and Elementor

  • Tutorium: Build Your Own Personal Website: A Hands-On Guide with WordPress and Elementor
  • Tutor: Saman Dashitzad
  • Uhrzeit: 17.00 - 18.30 Uhr (wöchentlich ab 31.10.2024)
  • Raum: C10/6.02

Do you want to design your own or portfolio website? This is a step-by-step guide which is really simple and useful if you want to learn web design and practice it. Here, you will master the installation and configuration of WordPress on the web server, Elementor setup, and site customization. We will look for UIs to get inspired, create web pages, and make template cells for portfolios. The course will be fruitful as you will have a remote and dynamic website that you have fully built and edited by yourself. No experience is required– just your imagination!

Thursday: Basics of organic LinkedIn marketing for students

  • Tutorium: Grundlagen des organischen LinkedIn Marketings für Studierende
  • Tutor: Carolin Gehring
  • Time: 16.30 - 18.00 Uhr (weekly from 31.10.2024)
  • Room: BB Raum, Autonome Tutorien Raum 1 (bbb@scale | Virtual Rooms)

Du hast Lust dein berufliches Netzwerk auf LinkedIn zu erweitern, deine Karrierechancen zu verbessern oder deine persönlichen Interessen sichtbar zu machen? In meinem Tutorium „Grundlagen des organischen LinkedIn Marketings für Studierende“ lernst du, wie du dir gezielt eine Präsenz im sozialen Netzwerk LinkedIn aufbaust - und zwar „organisch“, also ohne bezahlte Werbung.

Mein Tutorium richtet sich an Anfänger:innen, du brauchst keine Vorkenntnisse und noch keinen aktiven LinkedIn Account. In 90 Minuten beschäftigen wir uns mit dem 1x1 der Content-Erstellung auf LinkedIn. Wir schauen uns die grundlegenden Funktionen auf LinkedIn an und beschäftigen uns mit nützlichen Tipps und Tricks zur Reichweitensteigerung und der angemessenen Einbindung von KI bei der Erstellung von Textinhalten. Außerdem wird es einen kleinen Crashkurs in Canva geben, einer Grafikdesign-Plattform, die bei der Erstellung visueller Inhalte unterstützt.

Melde dich gerne an, ich freue mich!

Friday: Understanding the AI ​​Revolution: Machine Learning Basics for Beginners

  • Tutorium: AI-Revolution verstehen: Grundlagen des Machine Learning für Anfänger
  • Tutor: Jan Wichmann
  • Time: 14.00 - 15.30 Uhr (weekly from 1.11.2024)
  • Room: C10/ 6.02

Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt des Machine Learning – eine Schlüsseltechnologie für viele moderne Anwendungen. Keine Ahnung von Programmierung? Kein Problem! Wir starten bei Null.

Was erwartet dich?

  • Zuallererst ein spannender Python Crash-Kurs
  • Danach praxisnahe Einführung in die neusten Machine Learning Trends
  • Hands-on Erfahrung mit echten Datensätzen
  • Spannende Projekte wie:
    • Analyse des Unglücks der Titanic
    • Vorhersage der Preisentwicklung auf dem Immobilienmarkt

Und das Beste: Kein Mathe!

Nachdem Kurs wirst du nicht nur deine eigenen AI-Modelle erstellen können, sondern auch Datensätze visualisieren und aus diesen wichtige Insights gewinnen. Neugierig geworden? Melde dich jetzt an!

Friday: Maths in the Real World

  • Tutorium: Maths in the Real World
  • Tutor*in: Kasmin Talukdar
  • Time: 10.00 - 11.30 Uhr (weekly from 1.11.2024)
  • Room: C10/6.02

Have you ever wondered how mathematics connects to the world around us? "Maths in the Real World" is a unique tutorial that takes you beyond formulas and theorems to explore the physical significance of mathematical concepts in everyday life. From the patterns in nature and the architecture of bridges to the algorithms behind modern technology and data science, this course reveals how mathematics is the universal language that explains and predicts real-world phenomena. Whether you're fascinated by nature, technology, or art, this tutorial will help you see math in an entirely new light. Join us to discover how mathematics shapes the world!

Saturday: Diving into application development with Godot Engine

Tutorium: Diving into application development with Godot Engine
Tutor*in: Mykyta Pasternatskyi
Time: 18.00 - 19.30 Uhr (weekly from 2.11.2024)
Room: BB Raum, Autonome Tutorien Raum 3 (bbb@scale | Virtual Rooms)

Hello there! Are you ready to dive into the world of game development and create your very own 2D action side scroller game? Join me for a comprehensive tutorial designed for students of all backgrounds and skill levels, where you'll learn how to use the Godot Engine to bring your game and my other ideas to life!

🔧 WhatYou'll be doing on the tutorial:

  • GodotEngine: Discover what makes Godot unique, the basics of GDScript programming and how to work in the engine.
  • Creating Your Player Character: Create your own Player, who will walk, jump, and shoot!
  • GDScript programming: Write your very own code using best practices, and learning how to code in a clean and easy way.
  • BossAI:Create your own boss, who will interact with the environment, and be an actual threat to the player!
  • Intheend, create a complete game, with a boss battle in the end!

No prior experience is necessary—just a passion for learning and basic English proficiency. Whether you're a beginner or more experienced in programming, design, or art, this tutorial will guide you through every step of creating a fully functional 2D action game with a beginning, and a boss fight in the end!

✨ Getready to unleash your creativity and bring your game vision to life!

Start your journey into the skill-rich world of game development! � �🚀

See you in the tutorial!

Best, Mykyta Pasternatskyi (

What are Autonomous Tutorials?

In the winter semester of 2012/2013, the AStA (Student Union) introduced the "Autonomous Tutorials" project at Hochschule Darmstadt for the first time. As part of this pilot project, various tutorials were offered by students from different departments. After a pandemic-related hiatus, the tutorials were revived in the winter semester of 2022/2023.

Autonomous tutorials are forms of self-determined and self-administered teaching and learning, as well as free education. They are intended to be offered by students for students. The aim is to provide a diverse and interdisciplinary range of tutorials.

Beyond the pressure of grades and performance and the now predominantly job market-oriented study curriculum, education and self-determined teaching and learning can extend further. Many students have limited opportunities to look beyond the confines of their own disciplines and are primarily focused on completing the modules required for their respective degree programs.

The funding for the "Autonomous Tutorials" project is provided through central QSL (Quality of Studies and Teaching) funds.